Of all the subjects in all of art history, I would place money on Madonna and Child being the most represented subject in art. Just type “Madonna and Child” into a Google image search, and you will find an endless list of beautiful artworks. Today, I was going to do a 5 favorite Madonna and Child paintings post, but I absolutely couldn’t pick 5. I moved it to 10, then 12, then 20, and then I ended up at 25. I just found a 26th, and I can’t leave it out, so technically there are 26 in this list now. I pretty much spent all day looking at Madonnas.
Click on the image to view it larger.

I’ll probably use these in future lessons on the blog. Let me know which one is your favorite so I know which one to do first. 🙂
I’m taking a 2 week blogging break. I’ll see in you 2015! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year! 🙂