Art Class Curator is on a mission to revolutionize art education with an infusion of meaning and connection. We are crafting a new teaching culture that ignites curiosity and fosters a delight for art. Art Class Curator is empowering teachers with the resources and training they need to elevate their craft and embrace the joy of connecting with art and their students.

We are dedicated to creating deep, meaningful learning experiences that expand emotional intelligence using diverse artworks from across time and cultures that prepare students for an interconnected world in need of creative thinkers.
About Cindy Ingram

Cindy Ingram is on a mission to bring the power of art connections to the masses. With more than 20 years of experience in art museums and classrooms, Cindy started Art Class Curator in 2014 and then launched the Curated Connections Library to share how to creatively teach art education in a way that supports critical learning skills and sparks lifelong art connections.
Art is one of our most powerful tools for connecting with others across historical and cultural boundaries, but art education rarely ventures outside of making art. When it does, it’s usually into a land of dark rooms, boring lectures, and uninspired museum trips. Cindy knew there was another way, but could find no resources for educators who wanted their students to experience the spark that comes from connecting with artworks. It was time to use her expertise and passion to create and share resources for real art connection.
Teacher by teacher, student by student, our exciting approach for engaging pupils with artworks is spreading across the world, empowering teachers to bridge the gap between art making and art connection and kindling a passion for art that will transform generations.
Interested in booking Cindy for a conference, workshop, or other speaking engagement? Visit this page for more information.

Our Core Values
We love art and believe in its power to change the world. Art inspires us to be our best selves individually and as a team—connecting with others across boundaries and empowering teachers and students to connect with art, each other, and their communities to create a better world for all.
Diversity & Open-Mindedness
Art is as universal as its artists are unique. We believe our lives, our team, and our community are better when we listen and raise voices and opinions from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. We are committed to diversity and inclusion in the programs we create and the team we build.

Joy & Delight
Paint fades. Pencils break. Life is short. We believe in spending the time we have immersed in joy and delight—personally, professionally, and all the moments in between. We’ve seen the power of joy and delight as a spark for deeper learning in the classroom, and we know the importance of keeping that spark lit throughout our lives. We’re committed to creating a workplace culture that is positive, fulfilling, and bright with joy and delight.
Connection & Authenticity
Connecting with an artwork can change the course of a life. Connecting with people is the core meaning of life’s journey. We’re committed to being honest and real with one another. Each of us will stumble and fail. We feel those losses as a team, so that we can all learn, grow, and rise together.
Passion & Spirit
Most of humanity’s best artworks are born from a deep well of emotion. Our passion for art, our team, and our community enlivens our spirit, fuels our best ideas, and keeps us going when we fail. When we’re tapped into our passion, others are inspired by our spirit. We are committed to keeping that passion alive on our team, so we can empower our community to be the best at what they do—teaching and nurturing students while igniting a love for art that will transform generations.
About The Curated Connections Library
The Curated Connections Library from Art Class Curator is a comprehensive membership program for art teachers focused on impacting students with works of art. With both adaptable, classroom-ready resources and professional development training, the Library provides training as well as structure and adaptability so educators at any level are supported and empowered with a comprehensive art appreciation curriculum.
Our resources and activities develop cross-curricular connections and boost critical thinking, observation, and visual literacy skills, including vital media literacy understandings for a screen-focused generation. Our materials focus on developing writing skills in art classrooms to connect with language arts, social studies, history, and other subjects. Through a comprehensive art curriculum, students gain social-emotional learning skills that enable them to ask deep questions and better understand themselves, their peers, and the world around them.
Enrollment in The Curated Connection Library opens a few times a year. If you are a school district or admin looking to purchase for your district, please visit our schools page for more information.

Join Us!
The Curated Connections Library
The Curated Connections Library from Art Class Curator is a comprehensive membership program for art teachers focused on impacting students with works of art. Click here for more information about how to join or enter your email below for a free Artwork of the Week lesson from the membership!
Contact Us
To contact us, please visit this link.