To celebrate the launch of Art Class Curator, my daughter and I created our first YouTube video. In the video, Zuzu (age 2.5) and I talk together about a Marc Chagall painting, Paris Through my Window. I have included below some discussion questions you can use to talk to your child about this painting below, and you can also download this printable with the artwork and questions.
Isn’t she the cutest?? This video happened totally by accident. I was working on promoting my 20 artworks for toddlers and preschoolers, and Zuzu saw the screen and remembered choosing some of the artworks. We started talking about them, and I had the idea to record her. She won’t let me take video of her, so I had to slyly use my voice memos app on my phone. Tricky! 🙂
If you want to talk about this artwork with your child, try these questions.
- What’s going on in this picture?
- What else do you see?
- Who is this? What is s/he doing?
- What colors do you see?
- What shapes do you see?
- Do you see a train/cat/heart/flowers/etc.?
- What is weird/crazy in this picture?
- What is beautiful in this picture?
For more Chagall fun, try out my Chagall-inspired Drawing Project. I also feature his artwork on my 5 Artworks Your Child will Love post and in my 20 Great Artworks for Toddlers and Preschoolers.
Thanks for visiting! I am so excited about the new beginning of my site, and I have a lot more fun artworks to show you and your kids!
OMG! I am in awe with your blog!!!! Thank you so much for the great ideas in this post – we’ll most definitely do it with my daughter! Just wonderful and so helpful! I’d love to send you some virtual blog love and nominate you with the Liebster Award!
Thanks so much! Very cool! 🙂
Jennifer Bensley
Hi! I am excited for your blog! I have been trying to put together a binder of art ideas to teach my kids about artists, etc. A lot of my ideas have come from but they aren’t tailored for “little” kids. 😀 Maybe you can help me fill that gap!
Yay! 🙂 I’m glad you like it. I’ve been working really hard getting it all ready. I hope the site helps! I write stuff for all ages, but you can click the “Early Childhood” link on the side for everything that would work for the littler ones. I have a guest post on another blog coming out tomorrow about looking at art with toddlers and preschoolers, so watch my facebook for that. I’ll also link to it on the blog on a post on Wednesday.
You may also try projects at the blog Deep Space Sparkle. It’s a great site. I used it a lot when I was teaching. Most of her projects are for elementary kids though.
Miss you!