I’ve had the great fortune of seeing a lot of incredibly amazing art in person with my high school/college travels to Europe and my recent travels to NYC, but there are still many artworks that I long to see. Here are the artworks that I haven’t met in person yet but absolutely need to before I die.
Pablo Picasso’s Guernica
In my mind, the most important and remarkable artwork ever made. Picasso is a genius, and I know that when I finally see this in person, I will cry like a baby and not be able to leave the museum.
Update! I got to see this artwork! It was devastatingly amazing. Click here to read more about my experience with Guernica.
Portrait Statue of Shunjobo Chogen, early 13th century, Todaiji, Nara, Japan
This artwork took my breath away when I first saw it in Gardner’s Art through the Ages. It is haunting and simple, and I need to see it. The good news is that I may be going to Japan this year (squeee!) to visit my sister, so it may be a possibility! For some reason, it reminds me of Donatello’s Penitent Magdalene which nearly made me fall to my feet when I saw it in Florence. Read more about this art in my Art Around the World series.

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Maori Meetinghouse and Haka
I need to see a live haka performance. I love watching them on YouTube, and I need to experience that energy in person. I just saw this incredible video on Facebook today, and it inspired me to write this post. Read more about this art in my Art Around the World series.
Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
This temple contains approximately 33,000 sculptures. It’s mind-boggling to imagine it, and I need to see it for myself. Read more about this temple in my Art Around the World series.
Hagia Sophia
One of my favorite places I have ever visited was the city of Ravenna in Italy which was once the capital of Byzantium. The Byzantine basilicas were out of this world. Hagia Sophia has such an amazing history from being a Christian church to a Muslim mosque. I’d love to see how all of that history can be seen in this one building.
Goya’s Third of May
I love this painting. I want to stare at it for an hour.
Great Temple of Amun at Karnak
The 134 columns in the Hypostyle Hall in this temple complex are 66 feet high and 12 feet in diameter. I can’t even imagine. Want a great lesson on Ancient Egypt? I’ve got one in The Curated Connections Library!
Lascaux Cave
I want to stand in the place where artists painted on the wall 17,300 years ago and feel the way the air feels. Check out my video on Paleolithic art for more information.
Henry Fuseli’s The Nightmare
This so creepy cool. It’s in Detroit, and I get to see it in March this year!