Today’s Wordless Wednesday is one I came super close to featuring in November in my Art Around the World in 30 Days series, but it didn’t make the cut, because I wanted more architecture. I really love this painting. It’s just lovely and fun and different.
You don’t see a lot of paintings that are this long and vertical. It’s interesting. I love how it seems to flow downward and each part of it makes me want to examine it closer and figure out what it means. The whole thing kind of looks like a deconstructed Brazilian woman. Really cool.
The Beach by Beatriz Milhazes from Brazil mixes her cultural heritage with a more modern style of painting. You can read more about this painting over on the Met Museum’s website. Her process seems very interesting and innovative as well and you can read about it at that link to the Met.
How could you incorporate this artwork into your curriculum? Share you ideas in the comments!
I think you could use this painting to learn about the different flowers in it in school.
I would do vertical lines and it like a u and a up side up u and those two u’s are not connected and in the middel there is a big size medium size circerel