Thank you for your interest in being a Curriculum Consultant for Art Class Curator and the Curated Connections Library. Please read the information below before completing your application to ensure that this position is a good fit for you.
- We are looking for elementary and secondary art teachers to discuss project ideas for SPARKworks lessons.
- We will meet with Curriculum Consultants on Zoom twice a month (once for secondary and once for elementary) to look at artworks and brainstorm project and lesson ideas.
- You will not be required to attend every meeting. There will be a sign up, so you can choose times that work for you.
- Pay is $20/hour. Paid via PayPal.
- The last question on this application is a little art history joke. To help us rule out spam and see who is paying attention to the details, please type For the Monet in this space.
- Due to the number of expected applications, we are not able to reply to everyone who applies. If your application aligns with our needs, we will be in touch by email within two weeks about the next step in the process.