The Curated Connections Library from Art Class Curator is a comprehensive membership program for art teachers focused on impacting students with works of art. Enrollment in the membership is currently closed. Please join the waitlist below to find out the moment we open up! While you wait, get a free lesson sample of one of our famous Artwork of the Week lessons!
Enrollment is currently closed. We will reopen again on July 31, 2020. Please join the waiting list to get your free artwork lesson!
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Members of the Curated Connections Library get nearly 200 SPARKworks lessons that include everything you need to implement an artwork a week experience in your classroom! Click the button below to get a sample SPARKworks lesson–it includes a lesson plan, PowerPoint, and supplemental worksheets/handouts.
Invigorate your Classroom with Exciting Art Lessons and Trainings
- Get students to truly connect with art and “see deeper” into the artwork in order to broaden their horizons and understand the value of art in their personal lives and across time and cultures.
- Energize your students’ lack of attention spans, poor attitudes, and low motivation with thoughtful and inspiring lessons that get them engaged and KEEP them engaged.
- Supplement your already-amazing studio lessons with time-saving lesson plans and ready-to-go resources.
- Gain confidence in your teaching ability and your own knowledge of artists and art history so that you can deliver “Teacher of the Year” worthy lessons every day!